Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dark City?

I'll admit, like I'm sure the rest of the class can, I have no clue what this movies about. But I believe that's what the point is for the beginning. As Mr. Bennett pointed out the mass of confusion the director purposely uses so that the viewer is confused backs up my point. Saying this though, i believe this movie is going to get really good for the main fact that it has already sucked me into watching it. Let just hope It slows down a bit for my sake, i can be easily confused.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have put this off way to long.

This has been one of my favorite movies watched in this class so far. I never saw myself as a cowboy-esc movie fan, but after this movie, my eyes have been widened. I really enjoyed the drama, humor, and action all mixed in one for this movie. They all complimented each other well and made it a movie i didn't want to stop watching once that bell rang.
A point that lingers in my mind however is Morgan Freeman's character. Mr. Bennett pointed out how no one ever takes fact to his race. You would think that the time and place this movie was filmed it would. However he was such a "take what you can and give nothing back" character, i lost sight of his race as well. Besides James Cann and Clint Eastwood's love to hate characteristics in this movie, Freeman's really stuck a point with me. I enjoyed this film even more for the fact that it was realistic and at the same time thought provoking of a movie.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Midnight Cowboy

I am very much so enjoying this film so far. Its obviously very different then the films we have watched so far and I can even say different from many films I have seen at all. I like the idea of being sucked into the characters struggles through flashbacks and face to face combats that he goes through each day trying to survive in NYC. Its not an exaggerated film, i actually believe its one of the most realistic films based on his hardships of trying to pursue his odd dream of being a "male escort". Dustin Hoffman is also excellent in this film, and as annoying as his character may seem to people, he just adds the perfect amount of humor and bizarreness to the film that i believe will have deep meaning towards the end of this movie.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We just finished watching "All Quiet On The Western Front" in my film class. It was an entertaining film, yet on the predictable side. I guess I am just too in tune to today's creations of war movies, that a war movie from the 1930's doesn't seem to intrigue me as much, even if it was during the time of an actual war. However, this being said, I still enjoyed the film. It had many symbols involved and included a wide range of emotion. It gave an audience a view on what war can do to a person and how times have changed so greatly, especially in the field of war. In this sense it was defiantly interesting to watch and study as a film and a classic.